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In Mayotte, nearly half of the population does not have French nationality. Visiting the island, Gérald Darmanin, who is continuing his offensive against illegal immigration, has announced that he wants to toughen the law of the soil for children born in the French department.
Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior and Overseas, arrived in Mayotte, Sunday August 21, with a speech of firmness. He wishes to strengthen the fight against illegal immigration in the department, by tightening the legislation on the right of the soil. “This increase in illegal immigration is creating a lot of disorder. A mess of unsanitary habitats, illegal habitats[ux]security difficulties that no one can deny“, he justified. The Minister of the Interior aims to “suspend jus soli as it exists in Mayotte“.
Today, a child born in Mayotte is declared French if one of his parents has resided regularly on the island for at least three months. In the future, this same parent should prove his presence for a year. The 101st French department is experiencing strong migratory pressure from the Comoros, 200 km from the island. According to INSEE, almost half of the population of Mayotte does not have French nationality, and a third of foreigners were born on the island. Living conditions are precarious, with impressive slums. An operation to fight illegal immigration the previous week provoked clashes with the police. Tensions, regular, insupport the population.