The immigration bill, revised and adopted at the end of last week by the Assembly’s Law Committee, will be put to the vote of deputies next week.
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A strategy to ensure a favorable vote. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin reiterated his desire “give a hand” to the Republican deputies (LR) about the immigration bill, in an interview with nice morning published Thursday December 7. The bill on immigration, revised and adopted at the end of last week by the Law Committee by the deputies, aims to toughen the conditions of legal immigration, but also to provide the possibility of regularization for illegal immigrants. -papers occupying jobs in professions in shortage.
The Minister of the Interior thus responded to LR’s accusations of having unraveled the text drawn up by the Senate, much harsher than the basic government version. “Out of 60 articles proposed by the senators, we retained more than thirty: restrictions on family reunification, the elimination of free public transport for foreigners in an irregular situation”he lists.
Regarding State Medical Aid, which the senators wanted to replace with more restrictive emergency medical aid, Gérald Darmanin emphasizes that this aspect “does not fall under the Foreigners Code” and that such a measure would therefore have been censored by the Constitutional Council. “But this point may come back into the debate in the short term: we are not closed”he adds.