Gérald Darmanin on the atrocious murder that destroyed his family: “I know what devastation it is”

It didn’t take long for Gérald Darmanin, guest of the show Facing Baba on C8 presented by Cyril Hanouna this October 20, 2022, be questioned about the affair which froze the whole of France: the savage murder in Paris of Lola, 12 years old. The Minister of the Interior reacted on a tweet accusing the politician of having done nothing to prevent such a tragedy from happening, he then shared an intimate and dramatic event to explain how this affair l touched as a man above all.

“Nobody can put themselves in the shoes of Lola’s parents. When you’re a father, as I am, you think it’s the most despicable thing. I understand people’s anger. I play politics to avoid this“, first explained2 the father of Maximilien and Alec, born of his marriage to Rose-Marie Devillers. “You know, it touches me all the more because I too experienced a family tragedy, losing a child, my sister’s son, who was murdered in extremely despicable conditions. I know how devastating it is in a family. I know parents are never the same again“, he then added.

A horrific murder that broke his family

This family drama had revealed in the book The President’s Black Baron (Robert Laffont editions). In the early 1990s, the politician’s father went to his ex-stepson’s house, after an anguished call from his daughter who wanted to know where their child was: “On site, an incredible crime scene awaits him. Before committing suicide, the husband stabbed the child and sprayed his blood on the walls. Gérard Darmanin is in shock at the horrific death of his grandson.”

This event marked the Darmanin family forever and the father would become obsessed with this affair, thinking that his ex-son-in-law “hide something“, he even considers the involvement of a conspiratorial network. “During this period when his father feared that a new conspiratorial action would affect his family, Gérald was out of school for five months, and even exfiltrated from Pariss”, we learn in the book. Sinking into alcohol, he saw his relationship deteriorate with his son, and the two men then cut ties. The minister and his father returned after eight years of silence, and this shortly before his death three years ago.

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