Gérald Darmanin in turmoil: who is his wife, Rose-Marie Devillers?

Continuing his mission as Minister of the Interior after the post-reelection reshuffle of Emmanuel Macron, Gérald Darmanin has not been in a very easy position in recent days. Since Saturday May 28, 2022 and the fiasco of the Liverpool-Real Madrid match at the Stade de France, he has suffered countless criticisms and attacks on the management of the event, in particular from Great Britain. A delicate situation for the 39-year-old politician during which he can count on the support of his family. With his mother Annie, whom he is extremely close to, he was able to celebrate Mother’s Day in complete relaxation. The other woman in his life is his wife Rose-Marie Devillers, with whom he has always been extremely discreet. Who is the one who shares the minister’s life in the storm?

Born in 1987, Rose-Marie Devillers comes from the North region, like the one she is going to marry. For her studies, she studied law at the University of Lille. After obtaining a master’s degree in business and contract law, she enrolled at ESCP Business School. In 2011, she left school with a specialized Master’s degree in International Law and Management. Two years later, she founded a management consulting firm in this same metropolis, but the adventure ended three years later.

Her professional life took on a new direction when she joined Havas Paris in June 2017 as a consultant. Progressing within the company, Rose-Marie Devillers was appointed consulting director in 2019. Executive Vice-President of this same powerful agency, Michel Bettan plays a special role in the life of the young woman and Gérald Darmanin since they meet thanks to his intermediary in 2009. Because if he is one of the figures of Havas, he is also the right arm and political adviser of Xavier Bertrand for nearly twenty years. The latter, president of the Hauts-de-France region, is also very close to Gérald Darmanin, of whom he was a mentor in politics.

On August 29, 2020, the Devillers-Darmanin couple married in Tourcoing, the city where the second was mayor. At the end of April 2021, the couple welcomes their first child, a boy named Maximilien. Very rare, they rarely appear together but we made a good appearance on the steps of the Elysée at the state dinner organized for the visit of Italian President Sergio Mattarella on July 5, 2021.

His wife was beside him in the presidential stand on Saturday May 28, for the Liverpool-Real Madrid match…

Gérald Darmanin in front of the Senate

The Minister of the Interior sketched out a mea culpa for the disastrous organization of the Champions League final on Wednesday June 1, 2022, paving the way for reparations for supporters and sanctions against the police, while maintaining his version controversy over the number of counterfeit banknotes. “It is obvious that things could have been better organized”declared Gérald Darmanin, heard alongside the Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra before the Senate Law Commission, deploring a “spoiled sports party” and “d’soverflows sometimes unacceptable“. It is also “sincerely apologizedt” with Liverpool supporters for “lare great damage, especially on children“caused by tear gas.

For the first time since Saturday, Gérald Darmanin assured to have “asked the prefect of police for sanctions“for two members of the security forces, guilty according to him of the use of tear gas”contrary to the rules of usei”. Two people also seized the IGPN, the “police of the police” after the events of Saturday, indicated Mr. Darmanin, without detail.

But the minister who has blamed British supporters since the start of the controversy, believing that they are largely responsible for the incidents, reaffirmed that “110,000 people“showed up”in and around“of the Stade de France. Either”35,000“supporters more than the expected gauge and provided, according to him, with falsified tickets or without tickets. For the time being, the FFF and UEFA have estimated at “2,800” the number “counterfeit banknotes scanned“Saturday, according to sources familiar with the matter, confirming information from RMC Sports.

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