Gérald Darmanin evokes an “unacceptable” situation and requests “a rapid evacuation of illegal occupants”

“The situation is more than annoying. It’s people there, in fact, they have nothing, nothing is in order. The house is not insured,” says Laurent, the owner of the house.

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“Telling ourselves that it’s our home but that we can’t be there, we can’t go back, we can’t do anything. It hurts my heart too much.” The Parisian reported, Wednesday, June 8, the story of Elodie and Laurent who find themselves unable to move into the house they bought in Ollainville, Essonne. After the visits and the steps leading to the acquisition of their main residence, the couple found that it was occupied by a family with four children, and that they did not wish to leave it.

The video counts on Twitter some 2.6 million views in twenty-four hours, has been relayed at least 11,000 times and abundantly commented. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin reacted Thursday on Twitter, denouncing a situation “unacceptable” and wishing “rapid evacuation of illegal occupants”.

For landlords, recourse exists in the event of occupied housing. “The administrative procedure for the eviction of squatters illegally occupying housing has been simplified since January 1, 2021explains the official website of the French administration. To make this procedure truly effective, the owners concerned can be accompanied by a bailiff since February 1, 2022. Last year, out of 196 deportation requests, 172 were carried out, recalled France 3. “We have to rehouse these people, that’s all. It’s not super complicated”believes Laurent.

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