The Minister of the Interior presented the security device, Wednesday noon. Buses and trams will stop at 10 p.m. in all major French urban areas.
Reading time : 1 min.

A “exceptional device”. Iduring a press briefing organized at Ministry of the Interior, Wednesday July 12, Gerald Darmanin presented its enhanced security plan which will be put in place for thehe festivities of July 13 and 14. In total, “130,000 police and gendarmes” will be mobilized, “as well as the GIGN and the Raid”. “The festivities linked to our national holiday are unfortunately traditionally marked by acts of violence”, regretted the minister of the Interior.
The tenant of Place Beauvau also announces a ban on demonstrations until July 15 and a “great firmness towards those who would like to spoil” the festivities. The authorities fear that the celebrations mark an upsurge in violence, and in particular the use of fireworks mortars, used against the police during the riots which followed the death of Nahel. For this, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has banned “the sale, port, transport and use” during the weekend of July 14, according to a decree published on Sunday July 9 in Official newspaper. The Minister of the Interior also specified that 150,000 firework mortars had already been seized by the police.
Another announcement for this July 14, buses and trams will stop at 10 p.m. in all major French urban areas. In Ile-de-France, there will be “no singularity”said the prefect of police Laurent Nuñez.