Gérald Darmanin denounces “the smallness” of the environmental candidate

I was very shocked that politician’s domestic politics could be at the European rendezvous (…) It’s not very patriotic to have done that, and moreover, it shows the smallness of the politicians who did it“, launched Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, this Thursday on franceinfo. For him “it’s not very patriotic to have done that, and moreover, it shows the pettiness of the politicians who did it”.

On Wednesday, Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate for the presidential election, crushed Emmanuel Macron in the European Parliament. In particular, he accused him of “decide every day to tear down the tents“migrants in Calais.

“When thousands of people in makeshift camps with tents in the middle of winter, these people have no water, no electricity, no gas and they have babies, for example, inside these tents and that you leave them in the hands of the smugglers who collect them to go to England, you are not someone who does humanitarian work, you are someone who has a good conscience in his beautiful Parisian salon or in his beautiful Brussels office”, retorted Gérald Darmanin.

“What we do is much more difficult”, he continued. “We offer people to be relocated”, he explained, advancing the figure of “13,000 relocations”. “When we go to remove tents, we offer hotels to all people, we offer them places to live”, assured the Minister of the Interior.

“Accepting tents by the sea in Calais in the middle of winter, under the pretext of good conscience, is in fact accepting to put [les migrants] at the hands of criminals.”

“Today, in Calais, there are 300 hotel places which are empty”, added the Minister of the Interior. If they are not occupied, it is because the migrants “absolutely want to go to England”. “The subject is not the President of the French Republic or the European Union, the subject in which Mr. Jadot should put his energy as an MEP is England”, he considered, “it is to have a European Union – Great Britain treaty to recreate a legal immigration channel”.

source site-29