Video length: 4 min
Fire at the Rouen synagogue: speech by Gérald Darmanin
Gérald Darmanin gave a speech and decorated the agents who intervened on Friday during the fire at the Rouen synagogue.
The Minister of the Interior also decorated the firefighters who intervened on Friday.
The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, decorated Monday May 20 in Rouen (Seine-Maritime) the police officer who neutralized the attacker as well as police officers and firefighters intervened in the fire at the Rouen synagogue, which took place Friday morning. “France has its heroes”, he said in his speech. “All these discreet everyday heroes, today in Rouen the Republic takes the time to thank them.”
Friday morning, a man registered in the wanted persons file had set fire to the Rouen synagogue before attacking the police. He had been shot dead by a police officer.
“I tell every policeman, every gendarme, every firefighter, every prefect, with the vast majority of French people, that we love them and congratulate them.” said the Minister of the Interior during his speech at the prefecture.
“Here, in Rouen, we want to once again affirm that the ramparts of the State are solid and the heroic faces who embody it deserve not only the consideration of the nation, but the active and repeated support of the government”he added. Gérald Darmanin, who then presented a decoration to the agents who intervened on Friday, also denounced “anti-Semitism” and the “ignominious attacks against our Jewish compatriots”. He had mentioned Friday a “anti-Semitic act” and violence “despicable” after the fire of the Rouen synagogue.