In an interview with Le Figaro, the resigning Minister of the Interior also stated that he “does not wish to chair the Renaissance party”.
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Gérald Darmanin pleads for President Emmanuel Macron’s camp to do its “own introspection” And “slice” her “political line”. In an interview with Figaropublished Tuesday July 16, the resigning Minister of the Interior also affirms that he “does not wish to chair the party.” “We need to take a breath and step back a bit“, he told the right-wing daily. When he officially leaves Place Beauvau, he declares that he wantsr “see what’s wrong”, “to reflect on” to “errors” macronists and “thinking of a new project”.
He is also surprised that Stéphane Séjourné remained in his post as secretary general of Renaissance despite the defeat in the early legislative elections. “We would be wrong to think that we should continue to do things as before. However, for the moment, there is no change,” he laments.
The Northern MP once again calls on his colleagues not to “don’t let it go” L’“occasion” what does he think the “legislative pact” proposed by Laurent Wauquiez on behalf of the right, and to refuse any coalition including the Ecologists. “To ally with them would be a betrayal of the police, farmers and local elected officials”he believes.