“There will now be a status of imam in France,” announced the Minister of the Interior, launching the second session of the work of the Forum for Islam in France (Forif).
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A status of the imam and a federation of Islam inspired by Protestants. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, pleaded for a better structuring of France’s second religion, Monday February 26, by launching the second session of the work of the Forum for Islam in France (Forif).
“There will now be a status of the imam in France”said the minister at a press conference, asking Forif to “work on creation within six months” of such a status, a nagging question of the organization of this cult. Unlike priests, pastors or rabbis, imams do not necessarily have to meet religious curriculum requirements. In a country governed by the principle of secularism, it belongs to Muslims “to fix the religious status” imams, noted Gérald Darmanin. We also need social protection, with employed imams, and a level of linguistic and academic standards, based on the 34 existing “secularism” training courses.
Gérald Darmanin also pleaded for a structuring of Islam which “comes from the departments”like what has already been done in “over 40” of them. “It is not up to the State to preside over this structuring”he added, encouraging Forif to organize “as there is a federation of Protestants” In France. “It’s up to you to transform the F of Forif into the F of Fédération”he said.
Additional funds to secure places of worship
The structuring of Islam is a long-standing challenge which has always encountered rivalries between different nationalities. To put an end to “consular Islam”, since January the public authorities have banned the arrival of “imams seconded” by Morocco, Algeria and Turkey, which concerned around 300 people.
The minister also expressed his desire to move forward on the issue of confessional squares in cemeteries, which sometimes lack space. “By July 1 (…) we will ensure that access to a grave is no longer a subject for our compatriots”, he promised. Another promise is the doubling to one million euros per year of funds allocated to securing Muslim places of worship.
In 2023, with 242 incidents recorded, “anti-Muslim acts have increased by almost 30%”insisted Gérald Darmanin, specifying that “more than half” of these acts were committed during the last three months. “The conflict in the Middle East has obvious resonances on our soil,” underlined the minister.