Gérald Darmanin calls for the “systematic expulsion of any foreigner considered dangerous”

The minister announced the withdrawal of residence permits for people listed in the file for processing reports for the prevention of radicalization of a terrorist nature (FSPRT).

The day after the terrorist attack in a high school in Arras, in which a teacher was killed, the Minister of the Interior requested on Saturday October 14 the“systematic expulsion of any foreigner (…) considered dangerous by the intelligence services”. “The line of firmness is extremely clear”declared Gérald Darmanin during a press conference. “Identification throughout the national territory of those who are dangerous, systematic withdrawal of the residence permit for those who are foreigners, systematic expulsion of any foreigner (…) indeed considered dangerous by the intelligence services”he listed.

Gérald Darmanin spoke in particular of the people on file “within the FSPRT”the file for processing reports for the prevention of terrorist radicalization, which counts “around 5,100 people”in “majority” of the “people who are French”but also foreigners in a regular or irregular situation. “We are going (…) next Tuesday (…) to bring together the groups which allow, for all State services, to evaluate the people who are on their territory, to classify them as being dangerous, and obviously to be able to proceed with their expulsion”, continued the minister.

Discussions “to expel Russian citizens who are on file S”

Concerning those in a regular situation, “I asked to systematically withdraw the residence permits of people who are in this FSPRT file and who [représentent] a threat to our country. Many are in court proceedings, no doubt it will be necessary to go over again [au crible] all people, whatever their status – asylum protection, residence permit – and obviously whatever their age, since we also note the extremely significant rejuvenation of people who are radicalized.

Gérald Darmanin also announced that he had received authorization from Emmanuel Macron to resume discussions with the Russian authorities. “to expel Russian citizens who are on S file to their country of origin”. The suspect in the attack, Mohammed M., registered S aged 20, was born in 2003 in Ingushetia, a Republic of the Russian Federation, and arrived in France in 2008. Without a residence permit, he was not subject to an expulsion order.

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