Gérald Darmanin calls an emergency meeting after the Lampedusa crisis


Video length:
1 minute


The crisis in Lampedusa (Italy) shows that Europeans have difficulty speaking with one voice. Gérald Darmanin chairs an emergency meeting on the subject. Update with Antoine Delcourt, in a duplex on Place Beauvau.

“All the commotion at the Ministry of the Interior with a new emergency meeting around the minister, after yesterday’s. The bosses of the police, the gendarmerie, the immigration services and even the prefects most concerned are gathered around Gérald Darmanin again.specifies Antoine Delcourt, Saturday September 16.

Impact on France?

“The objective remains the same. First, assess the situation on site in Lampedusa. Then map the impacts of this crisis on French territory and finally evaluate the border systems, which have already been strengthened. Tuesday, Gérald Darmanin announced the doubling of mobile force units and customs personnel. France is convinced that the situation in Lampedusa can have an impact on French territory,” concludes the journalist.

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