Gérald Darmanin announces investigations after acts of vandalism in two churches

Damage and theft have been committed in the churches of Romainville and Bondy, in Seine-Saint-Denis, on the night from Sunday to Monday.

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Gérald Darmanin announced on Wednesday January 12 the opening of two investigations to find the perpetrators of acts of vandalism committed in the churches of Romainville and Bondy, in Seine-Saint-Denis. In a tweet, the Minister of the Interior brought his “support for Catholics in our country” and qualified these acts “unacceptable”. He will visit these two churches on Thursday morning.

the diocese of Saint-Denis-en-France lodged a complaint for this damage and theft, which occurred on the night of Sunday 9 to Monday 10 January. Un volunteer has in particular “found that the trunk of the church [de Bondy] had been sawn with a grinder to steal the money “. The diocese also reports “a broken stained-glass window, the tabernacle desecrated, fractured and emptied of its contents, the sacristy with a broken door and where another liturgical object was stolen, as well as a laptop”. In Romainville, “a trunk was torn off, the tabernacle was fractured, the sound equipment stolen, and the sacristy cabinets stripped of several sacred vessels”, he specifies.

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