Gérald Darmanin announces an exceptional security system


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

franceinfo – G. Papin, O. Longueval, A. Bocher, K. Prévost, T. Cuny, V. Vermot-Gaud

France Televisions

Nearly 130,000 police and gendarmes will be mobilized throughout France to guarantee security during the festivities on July 13 and 14.

They will be visible throughout the territory for the festivities of July 13 and 14. About 130,000 police and gendarmes will be mobilized throughout France, including 45,000 specifically intended to fight against urban violence. Wednesday July 12, during a press conference, Gérald Darmanin clearly set the objective. “Guarantee maximum security so that our fellow citizens can enjoy the national holiday”said the Minister of the Interior.

A series of coercive measures

This exceptional human resource will be accompanied by a series of coercive measures. Fireworks mortars will be prohibited, and the prefects are instructed to make systematic arrests in the event of overflows. Regarding transport, buses and trams will stop at 10 p.m. in major urban areas. Only metros and RERs will be allowed to circulate normally.

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