Hollywood star George Clooney, one of the first major supporters of the Democrats, had called on Joe Biden to withdraw his candidacy.
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“President Biden has shown what true leadership is. He is saving democracy once again“. In a statement addressed to the American media CNNactor George Clooney has welcomed the recent decision by Joe Biden, current President of the United States, to renounce his bid for a second term four months before the presidential election.
At 63, George Clooney assured that he would do “all that is in [son] power to support Vice President Harris” in his campaign to win the election. Facing her, Republican candidate Donald Trump is also participating in the race for the White House, after a first term from 2016 to 2020.
A staunch Democrat, George Clooney is heavily involved in fundraising for the party. On July 10, he called on Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race after lingering doubts about his health. “I like Joe Biden. But we need another candidate“, George Clooney wrote in the New York Timesa few weeks after participating with other Hollywood stars in a gala in favor of the candidate.
“The Democratic Tenors (…), Senators, House members and other candidates who are likely to lose in November must call on this president to step down voluntarily” he detailed in his letter.
After weeks of pressure, Joe Biden, 81 years, announced Sunday 21 July that he abandoned his campaign, less than four month before the election, and called for support for the candidacy of his vice-president, Kamala Harris, who is now almost certain to obtain the nomination of her camp.