Geopolitics: an important meeting between the presidents of the United States and China


Article written by

M.De Chalvron, D.Davy, G.Liaboeuf – France 2

France Televisions

A summit meeting took place on Monday, November 14, in Bali, on the eve of the G20. The American and Chinese presidents show that they do not neglect dialogue. Deciphering the issues.

The handshake between Joe BidenUS President, and XI Jinpinghead of the Chinese government, Monday, November 14, was particularly expected. The meeting was wanted by Biden, because in his eyes China holds the keys to stabilizing an increasingly chaotic world. The Asian country is more than ever at the center of the international game on the Ukraine file. Since the start of the war, Xi Jinping never condemned the Russian invasion. He even met Vladimir Putin in September, without getting involved and delivering weapons to Russia.

The island of Taiwan is also at the center of tensions. Last August, Nancy’s visit to Taipei (Taiwan) pelosi has triggered the wrath of Beijing, which has since multiplied military demonstrations around the island, which China threatens to reconquer militarily. The question is of major importance, because China would then control a region through which transits a third of the world’s maritime traffic.

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