geographer Jean Radvanyi fears to see “many more civilians killed”



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Invited to the 11 p.m. set of Franceinfo on Saturday April 23, Jean Radvanyi analyzes the evolution of the situation in Ukraine and Russian strategy.

200 people, who had started to gather in Mariupol (Ukraine) to board buses, were dispersed by the Russians. “It’s part of the psychological and military pressures of this war”, explains Jean Radvanyi, geographer and specialist in Russia, on the 23h set of Franceinfo on Saturday April 23. He adds : “Unfortunately, as we see, the Orthodox Easter truce will not visibly take place and therefore there will still be many civilians killed“.

The “extremely violent” positions of Patriarch Kirill of Russia

The Easter truce should not take place but many Ukrainians could gather to pray next week. John Radvanyi “hope all the same that they won’t shoot at the churches. But we know that the Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Russia took extremely violent positions, rude for a man of the Church against Ukraine, against the Ukrainians for support this war which has been going on for almost two months. So it is clear that with such a speech, we cannot expect anything from this church.”he complains.

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