Geoff Molson talks just a matter of time for Cole Caufield’s next contract

“All of our supporters are eager for this to be resolved and it will be resolved before the start of the season. The negotiations are in good hands with Jeff and Kent.”

• Read also: “We will never win with so many injuries” – Geoff Molson

It was unavoidable as a subject. In his little press scrum at the University of Montreal, Geoff Molson also slipped a word on the Caufield file. The little number 22 will have to write his name at the bottom of a new contract by next season.

Should we expect a new agreement soon?

“That’s a good question for Jeff and Kent,” he replied with a smile. It can happen anytime. I won’t tell you to stay close to your phone today, but you never know when it’s going to happen.”

Room for Quebecers

Of the 39 players who wore the CH uniform in 2022-2023, nine were from Quebec. At the end of the season, Rafaël Harvey-Pinard and Alex Belzile restored a sense of pride to a failing team. Samuel Montembeault, Matheson and Savard had a very positive impact within the group.

Geoff Molson talks just a matter of time for Cole Caufield's next contract

“We have a lot of examples, but if we just take Harvey-Pinard, a choice of 7e tour that played at a high level, it’s good to see that, said the 51-year-old. We will continue to draft Quebecers, we will continue to hope that there are some who will find a place in our team. We had five fairly consistent in the team and nine in total. It’s unique in the NHL. There were about 60 in the NHL and we have five regulars. It’s fun to watch.”

Next Monday, the owner of the Habs will closely follow the NHL lottery for the next draft to find out where the young phenomenon Connor Bedard will end up.

“Our odds of winning are 8.5%, so expect not to win,” he said. If we win, we would be very lucky. Everyone in the province would be happy.”

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