Geneviève Guilbault apologizes for playing a game at the study of credits

The Deputy Premier of Quebec and Minister of Transport, Geneviève Guilbault, apologizes for having played a game during the study of the credits of her department.

Ms. Guilbault passed the time during this accountability exercise by slipping in unusual words, such as “winterization”, in her answers to the deputies, to collect points in a game.

In a press scrum on Wednesday morning, the number two of the Legault government explained that she was playing this game “for pure love of the French language”.

She apologized to “people who may have considered it inappropriate […] or that it lacked judgment” by assuring that she took the study of the credits seriously.

“We had the objective of discovering certain words, using certain specific words, words that we are not used to using that I find beautiful, personally”, she justified.

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