Geneviève de Fontenay tackles Sylvie Tellier who “earned much more money than her” and is delighted with her “dismissal”

This is the year of all changes for the Miss France contest. Since her arrival at the head of the company, Alexia Laroche-Joubert has decided to relax certain criteria. Thus, for the first time in the history of the competition, a transgender candidate presents herself, as does a young mother and married woman. But that’s not all since Sylvie Tellier could well give up her place.

Indeed, according to information from Parisian published on May 10, the general manager of the competition is currently in talks to operate “a smooth exit“. It would then be a big decision for the pretty blonde elected Miss in 2002 and who took over the role of Geneviève de Fontenay in 2007. For the time being, Sylvie Tellier has not spoken on the subject, continuing to accompany beauty queen Diane Leyre on her travels. But for the lady in the hat, her departure would be more than certain.”It’s no longer a rumor: Alexia Laroche-Joubert has indeed eliminated her! I just got confirmation“, she announced during an interview for France Sunday.

I won’t cry for her

Geneviève de Fontenay then admitted that she had no sympathy at all for her replacement, towards whom she still harbors a lot of resentment. “I still haven’t digested what she has done to me in recent years, so i won’t cry for her“, she let go with the frankness that we know her. The ex-boss of the Misses underlines in passing that Sylvie Tellier has earned a good enough living to recover easily from her eviction. “Especially since she not to complain financially. She will have earned much more money than me! So his dismissal doesn’t make me hot or cold“, admits the octogenarian. It is therefore without great surprise that she confides that she does not at all want to reconnect with her youngest.Absolutely not ! This is out of the question. As I told you, I still haven’t digested. Especially when she invited all the former Misses to come and celebrate this so-called centenary, when the very first election dates back to 1927. So it hasn’t been 100 years!“, she recalled.

Geneviève de Fontenay, on the other hand, softened at the mention of the potential replacement for Sylvie Tellier. The name of Cindy Fabré was cited, crowned in 2005 and therefore of his generation. “I was very surprisedbecause they would have chosen one of my Miss France to me!“, she rejoiced, specifying that her former protege had still not confirmed the information. Nevertheless, this choice is already validated by Geneviève!I think she would do just fine. I really like Cindy! And if it was for good, I’d love it“, she concluded.

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