Geneviève de Fontenay cash at the end of her life!

She embodied the face of Miss France for several decades. She ? This is Genevieve de Fontenay. The lady in the hat was the last guest on Laurent Argelier’s podcast, entitled Series. The former president of the beauty contest confided in several subjects including her life without her husband Louis, who died in 1981.

“He’s the one who made me who I am. We had a big age difference. He was truly exceptional and, I could never have gone with anyone else. I were not able to. When you’re really with someone, it’s with the brain and everything“, she confided. In this interview, the nonagenarian approached the end of her life. “I’ll find him,” she said of her late husband. “I will end up with my first son Ludovic, this is how it will end”.

Geneviève de Fontenay has been isolated for a few years in her house located in Saint-Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine) in the Paris region. And for her, out of the question to set foot outside.Since I don’t go out anymore, it’s sure that I will die here”, dropped the great enemy of Sylvie Tellier.

Explanations for this radical lifestyle choice? “People know me, so as soon as I’m outside, they want to take pictures with me. But I’ve done enough”. And that’s not the only thing that motivated her not to leave her home. “When I see everything that’s happening in the streets now, we take risks. Since I’m famous, I can come across idiots: ‘Ah well, we’re going to do it, we’re going to take care of her ‘. I would be very scared”.

One thing is certain, nothing will make her change her mind!

Against vaccination

In 2021, Adèle, one of her granddaughters gave her news. If the model was reassuring, she wanted to inform that during this period marked by the health crisis, her grandmother did not want to be vaccinated. “We tried everything, there is nothing to do, she won’t change her mind. She’s stubborn, when she has an idea, it’s hard to get her to change her mind.”

See also: Nathalie Marquay “well housed” with “money”: Geneviève de Fontenay smashes the widow of Jean-Pierre Pernaut and does not want “to hear from her anymore”!


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