“General practitioners are going to have to work differently”, says the Minister of Health

The Minister of Health and Prevention, invited on Friday on France Bleu, proposes to increase the number of medical assistants to remove doctors from “administrative hardship”.

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“General practitioners will have to work differently, differently”said Friday, October 28 on France Bleu the Minister of Health, guest of the program “Bonjour Docteur”, while some doctors are missing in several French territories. “In general, a general practitioner spends about 20% of his time doing administrative workexplains the minister. For a hospital doctor, we are closer to 50%. Figures that François Braun would like to see lowered: “This administrative time, there is no point in having a doctor do it.”

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So to go in this direction, he proposes to increase the number of medical assistants to take away from the doctors “administrative burden”. The Minister then spoke of a second stage – which was announced by the President of the Republic during his interview on France 2 – which is to allow “young retired doctors – as we did during the Covid crisis – to be able to continue working without paying their pension contribution”.

Asked about vaccination, François Braun recalled: “You have to get vaccinated” in contact with fragile or at-risk people. The Minister “therefore calls on caregivers to be vaccinated against the flu and against Covid-19”. And the minister adds: “The WHO says that we must reach a rate of 75% vaccination. We are beyond for doctors but we are far below for nurses, nursing assistants and all health personnel.”

The Minister of Health also wishes to warn about so-called “puff” flavored electronic cigarettes. She can be “very good when you quit smoking because that’s the goal with these cigarettes and not to startexplains François Braun. However, unfortunately, this type of product leads young people to smoking.” The Alliance Against Tobacco has called for an “immediate ban” on “puff” electronic cigarettes, which it considers dangerous. “These are not health products so I have no immediate leverage to act on them.says the Minister, but in the context of prevention, I am committed to attacking these products which lead our young people to smoking and to these 70,000 deaths per year that can be avoided.

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