General brawl during a soccer match | One of the punished clubs finally cleared

Even if its supporters took part in a general fight on October 8, CS Mont-Royal Outremont will be able to participate in the playoffs of the Premier League of soccer of Quebec (PLSQ). First applauded by various players in the field, the sanction imposed on the team was finally lifted less than a week after its decree, a decision with which Soccer Quebec says it is “uncomfortable”.

Posted at 4:59 p.m.

Vincent Larin

Vincent Larin
The Press

On Thursday, the organization briefly commented, explaining that “the Sanctions Review Committee [de la] PLSQ withdrew the forfeit sanction at CS Mont-Royal Outremont, but maintained the sanction at CS St-Laurent”.

In a press release published a few hours later, the general management of Soccer Quebec indicated that it was “uncomfortable” with the decision taken by this committee whose members would be independent of the two sanctioned clubs.

“The conclusions send a very bad image about violence in sport, especially with the images that have circulated in the media”, we note, in the missive.

It should be noted that no information was provided by PLSQ to justify the decision of its committee.

“As soon as the reasons which led to this decision are known, they will be analyzed to identify the various remedies. In addition, we assure you that the league is studying the file and that individual sanctions will be given to players directly involved, ”continues Soccer Quebec.

The sanction initially given to the two clubs – defeats by default – had allowed the Club de soccer de Longueuil to slip into 4e place, which allowed him to access the playoffs.

Call for transparency

Informed on Wednesday of the suspension of the sanction against CS Mont-Royal Outremont, the South Shore organization asked Soccer Quebec to “publicly reveal the reasons that led to this reversal of the situation. […] “.

“If we are explained and the arguments are good and it deserves a turnaround, well why not? [Mais] we still haven’t received anything [comme explications] “said the coach of the Longueuil club, François Bourgeais.

Let us recall that a general fight had taken place on 1er last October between the fans and players of two teams during a game of the Premier Ligue de soccer du Québec (PLSQ), in Dollard-des-Ormeaux.

In a video released a few days later by TVA Nouvelles, supporters could be seen pushing and hitting each other on the sidelines. Players then joined the fray, which eventually turned into an all-out battle with dozens of people involved.

The PLSQ, a semi-professional league that has existed since 2012, subsequently imposed sanctions on both teams, i.e. defeat by default. “The supporters and some players” from both camps “are jointly involved and responsible for this fight”, then explained the PLSQ, to justify its decision.

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