Gender Identity | Éric Duhaime wants to ban mastectomies among minors

(Quebec) Éric Duhaime’s Conservative Party wants the government to better regulate treatments for young trans people. We want mastectomies (breast removal) to be banned for minors and parental consent to be mandatory for a young person under 16 to take hormone blockers.

“We would like the Quebec government to adopt an attitude of caution. There does not seem to be a very significant scientific consensus at the moment regarding what to do with young minors who suffer from gender dysphoria,” indicated the president of the political commission of the Conservative Party of Quebec ( PCQ), the Dr Karim Elayoubi, at a press briefing at the National Assembly on Wednesday.

We also want young people who receive hormonal treatments to be enrolled in a research protocol to ensure better supervision.

The PCQ cites several sources to justify its statement: the Karolinska Institute of Sweden, the American College of Pediatricians, the University of Oxford and the New England Journal of Medicine.

The Conservative leader, Éric Duhaime, is also based on the recent report from the show Investigation from Radio-Canada where several speakers assert that gender transition treatments for minors are going too quickly.

The PCQ’s demands are contained in a memorandum to the attention of the Committee of Wise Men on Gender Identity, formed by the Legault government last December.

Asked why his party was coming out on this subject the day after the Quebec government’s budget was tabled, Éric Duhaime justified himself by saying: “It’s important because parents are concerned. Because parental authority is important to us. »

On Tuesday, the UK’s public health system announced the end of prescribing puberty blockers. They can only be used in the context of clinical trials.

Sweden and Finland – countries at the forefront on issues of gender transition among minors – have also hit the brakes in recent years.

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