Gemini recognizes that men and women exist!

If I asked you to draw me a human being, you would draw a character with two arms and two legs, right?

• Read also: No more non-gendered categories of interpretation in Gemini

Even if there are people who come into the world without arms or legs!

Well why did the Académie des Gémeaux take the decision last year to “degender” the Interpretation Awards, when in 99.9% of cases, the interpreters are either men or women?


To be frank, I don’t know how many members of the Artists’ Union there are who identify as non-binary.

I’m sure there aren’t many of them. You have to count them on the fingers of one hand.

A three-fingered hand, like Mickey Mouse’s.

But in order for these people to feel “accepted”, the Académie des Gémini decided unilaterally, without consulting anyone, to eliminate the notion of gender in the categories of interpretation!

Poof, suddenly there were no more men or women!

Only non-gendered individuals!

This is as if I were the owner of a block of 45 apartments, and I turned off the lights in all my apartments under the pretext that there is a blind person living on the third floor!

Whether we include non-binary characters in series, no problem! Let’s go!

  • Listen to Richard Martineau’s editorial via QUB :

But degendering an entire category in a gala under the pretext that three actors do not identify with one gender or another?

Will the Oscars cancel the Best Sound Mixing award because there are deaf people?

Are art teachers going to tell children to stop drawing people with legs on the pretext that people are born “with no legs”?


There is a difference between respecting minorities, accommodating them, including them… And telling the majority that from now on they will have to align themselves with the minority!

It’s the margin that holds the page, not the other way around!

It’s the dog that wags the tail, not the tail that wags the dog!

The parents of a student don’t want their daughter to listen to music at school because her religion doesn’t allow it?

No problem, we will cancel all music lessons in all classes in the school!

That way, this poor girl who has the misfortune of having ultra-religious parents won’t feel alone!

And we’re going to cover the statues in museums!

Are you hosting 25 people for dinner and one of them is vegetarian?

Well, everyone is going to eat vegetables!

To hell with the chicken!

Germain is a nudist and doesn’t like wearing clothes?

Come on, everyone naked, even grandma!

Above all, Germain must not feel isolated!

Equity, diversity inclusion!

Come on, give me your coats and your bobettes! And hang your bra on the hook!

Photos provided by Paul Ducharme


After degendering the acting categories last year, the Académie des Gémeaux announced that it was going to return to the good old Best Actress and Best Actor awards under the pretext that their decision galore had created unease. .

No !!!!! Don’t tell me!!!!

What a surprise!!!!

I was sure everyone would have applauded!!!

I know that we must not declare victory too quickly and that one swallow does not make spring.

But I sincerely hope that this “backpedaling” of the Académie des Gémeaux signals the end of recess and the return to common sense.

And that the pendulum will (finally) return to the center…

Yes, there are men and women in our society!

These funny characters even constitute 99.9% of humanity!

Claiming that men and women do not exist or that a biological male can give birth is a denial of science in the same way as saying that the Earth is flat.

Welcome back to the real world, dear friends of the Academy!


The filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard said that there are people who make films because they have things to say, and people who make films just because it’s their job.

He called the latter – with a certain contempt – “the professionals of the profession”.

Does Denis Coderre want to be leader of the PLQ because he has a vision for Quebec, or does he want to play politics… just to play politics?

The question is valid.

Does he want to be a Robert Bourassa? Or a “professional of the profession” like Jean Charest?


Because a fax (a fax, damn it!) was not sent to a specialist doctor, a 78-year-old woman who had broken her hip had to spend 30 hours in the emergency room.

She died after finally having surgery.

Look carefully: no one will be reprimanded for this serious mistake. We will say that it was an “unfortunate incident”. “Shit happens”, as the English say. “The lady fell into the crack…”

This is one of the major problems of our health system: no one is responsible. No one is accountable.

Will Top Gun be able to change this mentality?


An idea like this: what if we took Hamas to international courts for genocide?

After all, this terrorist group’s charter states in black and white that Israel should disappear from the map! And that Palestine should extend “from the river to the sea”, that is to say from the Jordan to the Mediterranean, where the Hebrew State is located!

And then on October 7, 2023, Hamas massacred Jews… because they were Jews! Isn’t that the very definition of genocide?

Some people act as if the horrible massacre of October 7 never happened…

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