Gemini Prize | The one nominated in two categories

Series Featuredwhich features journalists from The Press on Télé-Québec, is nominated in two categories for the Gémeaux awards, namely Best observational documentary series and Best production.

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

“It’s like the icing on the cake for me,” exclaims the director of the series, François Méthé, in a telephone interview. “I hope it will give even more visibility to the series. And if it can help ensure that there are other seasons, then so much the better. Nothing is guaranteed yet, but it can’t hurt to have such an appointment, ”he says.

For a few weeks now, his team has been busy filming the second season of Featuredwhich is set to air in February 2023.

For me, the job of journalist is a great job, which is at the heart of our lives. It has always been obvious that to tell this profession, it would be winning and interesting.

Francois Methe

“But doing this series was not easy. Journalism is a frantic race. Carrying a film crew through it all isn’t easy for several reasons. You have to know how to adapt,” says Mr. Méthé.

If his television series continues, he promises that it will evolve “to the rhythm of current events and what is happening in our society”. Moreover, possibly, the director does not hide that he “caresses the project of being able to go abroad with journalists”. “I think it would be really interesting to tell that. I would love to be able to do it one day, ”he says.

Towards TV5 and the Francophonie

Another good news has also arrived very recently for the team of the series: it has been purchased by the television network TV5 Monde. Each episode will therefore be broadcast in several French-speaking countries, starting this summer. “Our work, and that of journalists, is going to be seen all over the world. It makes me really proud, ”comments the director on this subject.

At his side, producer Jean-Philippe Massicotte is also delighted with the situation.

It is an honor to be nominated for Gemini. We are really proud of the series. We got a lot of positive comments from a lot of people. I think it’s a series that is still recognized for its high quality. It’s a beautiful show.

Jean-Philippe Massicotte

This is another recent nomination for Featuredwhich, last winter, was also nominated in the Documentary Series category of the 2022 edition of the Luchon TV Festival, in France.

François Méthé is also the initial designer of the series On call 24/7, which won the Gémeaux award for best documentary series in 2016. This other series, which immerses itself in the daily lives of workers in the health network, is already in its seventh season on the airwaves of Télé-Québec. It has enjoyed popular success for several years now.

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