Gaza’s health system is “on its knees”, worries the World Health Organization

The health system in the Gaza Strip is “on your knees”alerted the head of the World Health Organization on Friday, November 10, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, noting that half of the enclave’s 36 hospitals were not functioning “not at all”. According to him, “more than 250 attacks” on health facilities in Gaza and the West Bank have taken place since the start of the war. Earlier, the International Committee of the Red Cross had estimated that the health situation had now reached a “point of no return”, endangering the lives of thousands of people. The destruction of hospitals in Gaza “must stop”, the ICRC had pleaded. Follow our live stream.

Israel is reviewing its human toll downwards. The Israeli executive revised the death toll from the Hamas attack on its territory on October 7 from 1,400 to 1,200, after considering that certain bodies were those of men from the Islamist movement. Hamas terrorists murdered around 1,200 people in cold blood and kidnapped 240.”the authorities are now listing.

“Still much to do” for civilians in Gaza, admits Washington. While greeting the “progress made”the American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, called for going further in terms of the protection of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian aid” in the Gaza Strip, the day after the announcement of daily humanitarian breaks of a few hours to allow residents of the north of the enclave to flee to the south. “Far too many Palestinians have been killed”launched the head of American diplomacy, from New Delhi (India).

No ceasefire, but humanitarian “pauses”. According to the United States, Israel agreed to establish “breaks” daily humanitarian efforts to enable civilians to flee the north of the Gaza Strip, where the fighting and bombings are the most intense, towards the south of the enclave. “Humanitarian organizations will not be able to work”however deplored the secretary general of Amnesty International, Agnès Callamard, on franceinfo on Friday.

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