Gaza’s health system has reached a “point of no return”, warns the International Committee of the Red Cross

The destruction of hospitals in Gaza “must stop”, asked the International Committee of the Red Cross on Friday, November 10. The organization stressed in a statement that the health system had now reached a “point of no return” endangering the lives of thousands of people. The ICRC urgently calls for respect and protection of medical facilities, patients and healthcare workers in Gaza. Follow our live stream.

At least 100 employees of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees killed in Gaza. This is what the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini said. On X (ex-Twitter). “The carnage must simply stop,” he said in a statement sent to the media, where he called for an end to the siege of the enclave and requested circulation “without restrictions” humanitarian aid.

“Still much to do” for civilians in Gaza, admits Washington. While greeting the “progress made”US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called for going further in terms of the protection of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian aid” in the Gaza Strip, the day after the announcement of daily humanitarian breaks of a few hours to allow residents of the north of the enclave to flee to the south. “Far too many Palestinians have been killed”launched the head of American diplomacy, from New Delhi (India).

No ceasefire, but humanitarian “breaks”. According to the United States, Israel agreed to establish “breaks” daily humanitarian efforts to enable civilians to flee the north of the Gaza Strip, where the fighting and bombings are the most intense, towards the south of the enclave. These interruptions “four o’clock, in certain areas of the northern Gaza Strip, will be announced three hours in advance”said White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby. “Humanitarian organizations will not be able to work”however deplored the secretary general of Amnesty International, Agnès Callamard, on franceinfo on Friday.

“Nothing will stop us,” insists Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli Prime Minister once again rejected calls for a lasting halt to the Israeli army’s operations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip on the American channel Fox News on Thursday, ruling out this outcome as long as the hostages held since the attacks from October 7 will not be released. The leader said a ceasefire would amount to a “surrender to Hamas”.

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