Gay or straight? A famous singer at the heart of a lively controversy, internet users annoyed by his ambiguity

This is the week of all the controversy for Harry Styles. After having somewhat annoyed the family of Michael Jackson by being nicknamed “the NEW king of pop” by Rolling Stone, the interpreter of “Watermelon Sugar” inherits another scandal. He is accused of using “the queer aesthetic to serve his career.

Is he taking advantage of the “queer aesthetic” for marketing purposes?

The 28-year-old singer continues a world tour during which he puts on extravagant feathered and sequined costumes – like his idols, Mick Jagger and David Bowie, before him – and rainbow flags. As popular solo as with One Direction, Harry Syles graces the cover of 14 editions of the magazine RollingStone across the planet this month.

And some critics are not happy with the way it presents itself there. Depicted as “the most wanted man in the world”, by our colleagues, he responded to accusations of “queerbaiting” which are formulated against him. Understand in this term, that because of his sexual orientation, not officially declared LGBTQ +, his use of gay imagery is perceived as cultural appropriation.

>> See also: At the restaurant, Meghan and Harry behave like monarchs and get anyone who wants a photo fired!

On the heart side, we know that Harry Styles has had affairs with Taylor Swift, Kendall Jenner, or even more recently that he is in a relationship with Olivia Wilde. However, the star believes that labels are “outmoded”, and that he does not have to discuss his preferences, even under pressure from associations. And for good reason, he says: “I have never spoken publicly about my life outside of work and have found that to be beneficial to me”.

It’s his private life

Moreover, for him, “there will always be (another) version of a story“. In fact, Harry Styles has decided that he will not pass his “time trying to fix it“. And to those who would retort that he is a public figure, the one who has been famous since the age of 2010 responds: “I don’t think I’ve been with anyone publicly. If someone takes a picture of you with someone else, it doesn’t mean you’re choosing to have a public relationship”. What to give a hard time to the most curious…


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