Gauvain Sers guest of Bernard Montiel in Olympiascope

For the brand new issue of his cultural program Olympiascope, on May 17, 2022, Bernard Montiel chose to meet the singer Gauvain Sers, with a unique career. For the 32-year-old Limougeaud, there is no need to go through castings or face jurors and coaches in a tele-hook. Gauvain Sers cut his teeth alone. Since 2013, the artist has led his career with a masterful hand, keeping the simplicity and authenticity that his audience loves about him. It is therefore impossible for Bernard Montiel not to highlight this raw talent.

Behind the scenes of the mythical hall of L’Olympia, Bernard Montiel and his teams cooked Gauvain Sers. Music, influence, success, tour… the singer also took the opportunity to talk about his latest album released in 2021, Your place in the world. In a few days, he will be performing on several festival stages such as Festicolor, Les petits folies, Sons d’une nuit d’été or the Crussol Festival and Musicalarue before honoring two Parisian dates next April at La Cigale.

This success, Gauvain Sers would probably never have met if Renaud had not offered him to perform the first parts of his concerts in 2016. An artist to whom he owes everything, whom he admires more than anyone and to whom he paid tribute in song on May 10 on France 2 during a special program organized for Renaud’s 70th birthday: “I was obviously a little nervous before tackling such a mountain, but I was especially very moved to sing it like that, eyes in the eyes, right in front of him, for his birthday party. In a beautiful setting and with the red bandana around the neck. It’s the kind of suspended moment that I place very very very high on the podium of the strongest moments of my little existence.“, he wrote on his Instagram account.

He will surely also remember his meeting with Bernard Montiel for Olympiascope. If Renaud is a legend in music, the host is as much for television. After presenting programs such as The One is yours, Video Gag, Surprise on hold! and recently The 6 to 7 and Star AnimalsBernard Montiel won Olympiascope. An opportunity that he probably owes to his talent for talking to personalities of all kinds. A mission that he also performs on the airwaves of RFM every weekend!

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