Gauthier Minguillon, this Girondin who will play the Rugby World Cup … with Spain

Small size, number 11 in the back, red helmet on the head, and who is about to play the Rugby World Cup. No, we are not talking about the French winger Gabin Villière, but about Gauthier Minguillon. Or rather to Gauthier Minguillón, with the accent, as it is written on the other side of the Pyrenees. Because yes, the one who is born in Gironde, in Bruges, 28 years ago, plays for the Spanish team. And with it, he has just qualified for the 2023 World Cup in France, thanks to a victory against Portugal (33-28) this Sunday.

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The Spaniards are thus guaranteed to finish in second place in the Six Nations B Tournament, which Mingguillon greatly contributed to, scoring three tries in four games. “It’s going to be the most exciting moment of my career.” he savors this Monday.

But then, how did he end up there? To understand, you have to go back ten years. After beginnings as a rugby player in the South-Gironde, in Salles, Minguillon then played for the hopefuls of Union Bordeaux-Bègles, Baptiste Serin generation – who texted him on Sunday. It was then that he received a message from the other side of the Pyrenees. With his Franco-Spanish father and his level “school” in the language of Cervantes, the young man of 18 is called for the first time to play with the XV del Leon.

Two matches on the program in Bordeaux

Ten years later, the one who evolves in the club of Aurillac, in Pro D2 finds himself at the World Cup, after a victory in front of 13,000 spectators. A symbol of a growing interest in the oval ball in Spain, according to him. “Spain is not a country of rugby, but it is a country of sport. We have a lot of fans, it’s in the headlines of the sports newspapers today [lundi]”.

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Against Ireland and South Africa

And the icing on the cake for Bordeaux is that Spain will play two of his matches at Matmut Atlantique, in September 2023. And not just any: those against the reigning world champions, South Africa, and against Irelandstill in contention to win the Six Nations Tournament. “I don’t like this expression, normally… But it was written”, still does not realize Miguillon. His relatives are “like crazy” since Sunday, at the idea of ​​seeing the Bordelais face the South African Cheslin Kolbe, on Sunday September 17 at 3 p.m.

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Matches against Ireland and South Africa in Bordeaux, but also against Scotland and a qualifier to be determined (probably Tonga) in Lille in which Spain will try above all to make a good figure, for its second participation in a World Cup, after that of 1999, and to “enjoy the event”. Even if, in the wake of qualification, the Girondin winger assures him: “You can do well against anyone”.

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