Gaspard Ulliel: His widow Gaëlle Pietri and their son Orso in full kiss, sublime photo

For the holidays, the duo left to recharge their batteries in Corsica, the native island of Gaëlle Pietri, where they have their habits. Mother and son have chosen the great outdoors, in the heart of Mare e Monti, a set of hiking trails to recharge the batteries before returning to Paris and heading back to school. On the program: observation of nature, stars and swimming in the natural waters of the island, between two big hugs. Gaëlle Pietri has published some pictures of her vacation spent far from everything, including that of a huge kiss with her son.

Gaëlle Pietri has always made it a point of honor that her son feels the best possible. Especially since his dad left. Covering him with love is obviously one of the remedies she found: “The photo with Orso is magnificent. I too have only one son and he is the most beautiful thing I have. I’m sure Orso is fine thanks to you, despite the departure of Gaspard”, “Yum yum the big salty kisses, the smell of pines and the hot wind”, “Magnificent”, “Recharge your batteries well… It is only at the roots that we find something to reboost ourselves durably.” A necessary journey to regain their balance…

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