Gaspard Ulliel: His ex Gaëlle Pietri sublime siren, a dream shot and a hidden message?

On January 19, Gaspard Ulliel, a young prodigy of French cinema, died following a skiing accident in Savoie. The world of French cinema was devastated by the disappearance of this genius who left too soon. Gaspard Ulliel was then in the company of his 6-year-old son Orso and his son’s mother, Gaëlle Pietri, with whom he was in a relationship from 2013 to 2020. Even if they were separated, the actor and the model continued to maintain good relationships.

What happens to Gaëlle Pietri more than six months after the death of Gaspard Ulliel? Currently, the 37-year-old young woman is enjoying her holidays in Corsica with her family, especially with her son Orso, of whom she shared a photo in an Instagram story on July 20. We see his son from behind with his cousin having fun with mini-pistols. It is also on Instagram and more specifically in story that Gaëlle Pietri published this Saturday, July 30, a magnificent shot where we see the young woman dressed in a swimsuit swimming by the pool. Like a sublime mermaid! A snapshot that she published in favor of the brand Number 74 which she mentioned in her story.

A snapshot in tribute to Gaspard Ulliel, also a diver

The snapshot published by Gaëlle Pietri is also a strong tribute to her ex Gaspard Ulliel who in addition to being an actor was also a diver. “Gaspard was a diver, sensitive to climate issues and concerned about the protection of underwater biodiversity, he would have liked the momentum aroused by his disappearance to go to the defense of these causes that were close to his heart”, said Gaëlle Pietri in an Instagram post on February 19. It is in this state of mind that the young woman has committed herself to the Tara Ocean Foundation, which works in favor of ecology. A collection of donations had also been launched in favor of the deceased Gaspard Ulliel, of which Gaëlle Pietri continues to pay tribute regularly on social networks.

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