Gaspard Ulliel: Gaëlle Pietri, the mother of her son Orso, shares a poignant message

It is a disappearance that has moved the greatest number. Aged just 37, Gaspard Ulliel died in a tragic skiing accident on January 19, 2022. The father of a 6-year-old boy, he left his loved ones behind in great sadness. Among them, his parents, his current companion Vicky Krieps but also Gaëlle Pietri, mother of his son. This Tuesday, April 12, the actress celebrated her 31st birthday. And did not fail to have a moved thought for his late companion.

On Instagram, Gaëlle Pietri, who was present at the funeral of the actorA long engagement Sunday, on January 27, posted a message intended for him in a story (see slideshow). “Birthday and change are linked“, she wrote in the caption of a photo of her as a child. The mother of little Orso took the opportunity to also thank the people who support her in this ordeal. She continued: “This year marked by the ordeal that our family has gone through will also be the year when our family has received the warmth of your presence and your support..” “Thank you for this gift“, she concluded.

Which father was Gaspard Ulliel?

The actor had seen his life literally changed with the birth of this little boy, six years ago. Gaspard Uliel, yet so modest, spoke on this subject in the columns of Madame Figaro in 2016.”It’s a huge upheaval. What was extremely important yesterday seems trivial today. Fatherhood brings you back to something very concretecomes to fill a void of which you were not necessarily aware, gives you a reason to live“, he had let know.

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