Gas: Europe lowers its consumption



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In Spain, several measures have already entered into force. Objective: to reduce gas consumption. Reportage.

As a direct consequence of the war in Ukraine, Europe must reduce its gas consumption. An agreement was signed between the Twenty-Seven. The objective: to reduce consumption by 15% within a year. The agreement comes into effect on Tuesday, August 9. Spain, for its part, has already taken the first steps. Among them, new imposed temperature standards: 27°C minimum in summer, 19°C maximum in winter in transport, cultural venues and shops.

Although Spain is now taking measures to limit energy consumption, it is not the country most dependent on Russian gas. Germany is the most affected. In France, the energy sobriety plan is being drawn up. The first measures should be announced at the end of September. Emmanuel Macron is committed to reducing energy consumption in our territory by 10% by 2024.

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