Garou wanted to kill a “member of his family”… with a fork

If they were able to sing together for many years thanks to the musical Notre Dame de Paris, Garou and Hélène Ségara almost cut ties. Especially when the first attacked a loved one for the former member of the jury of France has an unbelievable talent. An anecdote that the latter was already telling on the set of Panic in the headset in 2009.

“Regularly, at home, we were all in pajamas on the carpet watching movies all night and before that, I was cooking for everyone, told the interpreter of There are too many people who love you “she remembered before speaking directly to Garou and reminding him that one day, “You came to eat at home. I go to the kitchen to prepare and when I come back, you had a fork in your hand and you went to stick it in my cat.”

More fear than harm

A situation that almost turned tragic, that the ex-coach of The Voice mentioned again on RTL in November 2019. “I’m sitting in her living room and we chat, we chat, we chat, we have a drink… Then there she goes into the kitchen. As soon as she left the living room, the cat came out from under the sofa walking like a monster, slowly, looking me in the eye”he confided before revealing: “There, I took the fork from the table. In front of the stage, she said to me: ‘but what are you doing? You are not going to kill my cat’, added Garou. I told her : ‘no, but he is the one who wants to kill me’.”

In the end, everything ended without a hitch, as confirmed by Hélène Ségara this Sunday, October 9. Guest on the show TV kidsthe artist returned to this moment which could have gone very wrong. “It was a white cat, her name was Choupette. It’s true that when I came back, he had the fork in his hand!”she said before finally concluding: “My cat, she was in mode: ‘well, I’m going to go see who it is’, very cute”.

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