GARLIC and ONIONS new in FONDUE to celebrate garlic in the kitchen!


Our small garlic and spring onions will bring a real spring note to this recipe. Raw or cooked, they are wonderful! Sliced ​​raw in the company of a fresh caillade, in a salad, cooked on a soup, in a salad… For this fondue, the wine can be replaced by apple juice or cider. The bread must be “from the day before” to hold together better. Putting it to heat in the pan with the vegetables allows it to flavor itself on contact with the herbs. As usual, the cheese must be at room temperature before being cooked. Accompany this fondue with a nice salad, well flavored and stuffed… with garlic and new white onions!

Per person :

3 stalks of garlic

3 spring onion stalks (stalks and bulbs)

Salt and pepper

2 slices of bread, cut into small pieces

2 slices of pressed cheese (like Cantal, Tome Limousine, etc.), cut into small pieces

1 tbsp fresh cream

Optional, 1 tbsp of white wine…

Peel and wash the garlic and the onions and cut them into small pieces. Place them in a pan with plenty of water. Stir, salt and pepper, add the white wine and mix. Cook over medium heat until all the water has evaporated, then lower the flame, add the cheese, bread and fresh cream and let melt. Serve as a fondue by pricking a piece of hot bread with the cheese and adding the herbs.

Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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