Gardening is sport, and like any sport, you have to train. Adopt the right gestures with Roland Motte, our gardener.
Every week, Roland Motte, the gardener of France Bleu Besançon and France Bleu Lorraine, gives you his good advice on planting. But gardening is also a sport that requires training and good posture, so as not to hurt yourself.
Train every day!
Spring is just around the corner and with it, we’re going to get back to the cool little jobs in the garden. But beware, the garden is like a sport. And as in all sports, you have to practice the right gestures to keep in shape in the garden, you need regular training, a little walk outside every day, without forgetting to do a few movements to keep in shape and good shoes for keep your feet dry.
Gardening is a real sport
Weeding your garden for two hours is the equivalent of jogging for an hour. Planting, weeding for an hour is like cycling for an hour at 10 km per hour to keep in shape. So do some gardening but beware of movements, no gestures that are too violent or ill-suited.
Good practices and postures in the garden
The idea is to keep in shape. When you carry a load, a bag of potting soil, for example, place it against your stomach at arm’s length. When pruning, the pruner should never be above your shoulders. Otherwise, take a stepladder or a ladder to go higher. When lifting a wheelbarrow, it’s your legs that have to bend, through your back. And then, going to the garden, take care of your hands by wearing gloves, but also think about your feet. The more comfortable your shoes are, the less you will suffer from cold and humidity. And the healthier you are, the longer you will stay in the garden.
– Roland Motte
The garden is a sport like any other. And me, I train because if one day, there is the French champion of gardeners, there, I will be ready.
Find Roland Motte on France Bleu Lorraine and France Bleu Besançon and on his website