“Garden Party” by Florent Marchet, songs written during confinement

Florent Marchet has just finished his first novel, “The living world”, when the first confinement arrives. Like many, he thought he was going to learn how to bake bread, organize zoom aperitifs, sort my old t-shirts, repaint the kitchen sideboard… And then, every evening, he took his dog out detouring blocks.

The, he observes the pavilions of his neighborhood in silence and the light produced by municipal lighting. Fascinated by these often identical houses. Such gardens. The decor of his new album had just opened up to him with these stories of family, neighborhood, friends.

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After a few weeks, Florent Marchet has the songs of a new album to his credit. Songs he tests in his living room, in front of his little family then his friends as soon as it was possible: muffled piano because no sound system, the voice that can whisper because this small audience stands very close to him. Then it’s deconfinement and the resumption of concerts where the artist was able to share these stories like that, in the simplest device, piano voice. So he wanted to record the album quite quickly and in this way. Everything was done in his studio including an old upright piano that he customized for the occasion.

For the cover, Florent Marchet called upon the artist Charlotte Esquerre which is expressed as well through painting, architecture as photography.

In “Garden Party”, there is very different characters, different trajectories. But they all have in common the fact of having a link with a very small territory, whether they fled or not. There’s the decor, the window, and the other side of it all.

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