Garbage collectors’ strike, pension reform, immigration law, abortion … What to remember from the interview with Aurélien Pradié

The deputy Les Républicains (LR) from Lot was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Wednesday March 15, 2023.

Aurélien Pradié, deputy Les Républicains (LR) of the Lot, was the guest of the 8:30 a.m. france infoWednesday March 15, 2023. Garbage collectors’ strike, pension reform, immigration law, abortion … He answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Salhia Brakhlia.

Garbage collectors’ strike: “The role of mayor is also to make courageous and difficult decisions”

While at least 7,000 tonnes of waste are accumulating in Paris and other cities, such as Saint-Brieuc, are affected by the garbage collectors’ strike against the pension reform, Aurélien Pradié believes that Gérald Darmanin has “raison” to request the requisition of personnel. “There is no question of Paris and the big cities of our country becoming mobile dumps.believes the deputy of Lot. “It is time to move from words to deeds and for Madame Hidalgo to come out of her castle. Her role as mayor is also to make courageous and difficult decisions.”

Pension reform: Republicans must not be “a sub-range of Macronie”

“I have not changed my mind since the beginning. I have always said that this reform, as it stands, was not votable for me”, says Aurélien Pradié about the pension reform. The MP speaks in particular about long careers: “We cannot sacrifice long careers in our country. It would be contrary to the value of work and effort. We have obtained that those who start at 17 do not make 44, but 43 annuities. But that is not enough not, because it is unjustifiable that those who started at an even age before their 21 years make 44 annuities while the others are going to make 43. What we are asking is that before 21 years in a long career , that’s 43 annuities for everyone. It’s a way of respecting the effort”.

Aurélien Pradié also explains that Les Républicains should not be “a sub-range of the Macronie” Otherwise “we will disappear”. “I am not a macronist, and I do not want to become one”he assures that the joint joint committee meets Wednesday behind closed doors to try to find a consensus on this controversial text.

Immigration law: “All residence permits must become probationary”

While the immigration law arrives in committee in the Senate on Wednesday, Aurélien Pradié explains that he does not have “from a position of principle. I’m not going to tell you, even before seeing the text, that I won’t vote for it”. But the deputy for Lot defends the idea of ​​a “probationary residence permit” : “All residence permits must become probationary, because you cannot have a residence permit if you have not learned to speak French, if you do not have a job, if you are not able to provide his family with a life without social assistance”. He also wants fewer visas for students: “It’s a legal entry route, which very quickly becomes illegal”. According to Aurélien Pradié, “the conditions are clear: less immigration tomorrow in volume”.

IVG: “The formulation of the Senate suits me better”

Emmanuel Macron announced the presentation in the coming months of a bill to include abortion in the Constitution. Aurelien Pradie “I don’t know if it’s a historic decision. In any case, I won’t oppose it”. “The wording of the Senate suits me better”details the parliamentarian who prefers “freedom” rather than “right”. “But you won’t get in the way of opposition to women’s rights in any way.”

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