Video length: 2 min
Korea: garbage balloons sent from North to South
North Korea has announced that it will stop sending garbage balloons onto South Korean soil by air, in response to, it says, the sending of propaganda leaflets.
North Korea has announced that it will stop sending garbage balloons onto South Korean soil by air, in response to, it says, the sending of propaganda leaflets.
Since Tuesday May 28, nearly 1,000 balloons have been sent to South Korea, including 600 disleeve June 2, according to the South Korean General Staff. Balloons filled with trash ranging from cigarette butts to animal feces. The South Korean army has asked the population to avoid any contact with this waste, even if, so far, no dangerous substances have been found.
SundayThis evening, North Korea committed to suspending the launch of these balloons. These shipments are a response, according to Pyongyang, to balloons filled with propaganda leaflets previously sent by Seoul. These hostile acts come as North Korea continues to develop its military and nuclear program.