Gangnam style: What’s become of the singer Psy, 10 years after his phenomenal success?

It was already ten years ago that the whole planet was submerged by the phenomenon Gangnam Style. A catchy rhythm, a hypnotic choreography and a hilarious clip, it didn’t take more for the title of Korean, Psych, became cult, and at the same time the first YouTube video to exceed one billion views. A resounding success which culminates today at more than 4 billion on the platform and which has made its interpreter a generational icon. But what becomes of it ten years after having exploded in the eyes of the world?

Now in legend, Psy has taken a step back from his glory. Memories and pride are what remains for the 44-year-old Korean genius interviewed by AFP at his home in Seoul. “It is the most beautiful trophy of my life, professionally and personally. When I perform on stage it’s my most powerful weapon, when I travel abroad if I don’t wear sunglasses people don’t really recognize me but if I play the song the game is do“, explained the precursor of the K-pop wave internationally.

Apart from the fact of having been involved in a dark affair of prostitution in 2019 in the famous upscale district of Gangnam in Seoul, the singer was no longer really talked about in France. He explains it by the fact that his cult title had become too heavy a burden to bear. “This song was a huge success so in my case it was difficult because each song had to be powerful. I had a huge addiction to this song, it put a form of pressure on me but that was almost ten years ago so today I am free.

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