“Game of Thrones”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter” … the “Neko Light Orchestra” honors iconic music from pop culture

“The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter”, the “Doctor Who” series all have one thing in common: an iconic soundtrack. The Toulouse group “Neko Light Orchestra” sublimate them with frenzied covers and a good dose of creativity.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture


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In total, 22 members make up the “Neko Light Orchestra”: percussionists, guitarists, pianists, harpists, singers, the collective is not lacking in talent. And talent, it takes to celebrate the mythical pieces of pop culture. For 10 years, this Toulouse group has been reinterpreting the soundtracks of famous video games, series and films, to the delight of fans.

We want to tell in music, the themes that inspired us, whether it is the films of Miyazaki, up to the Lord of the Rings. We want to pay tribute to the directors with our instruments and our sensitivity. It gives completely different versions “, explains Nicolas Chaccour, founder and manager of the group.

Neko Light Orchestra

Their trademark: carefully composed rearrangements, mixing acoustic and electric instruments. A recipe that has made the success of the “Neko Light Orchestra” since its founding in 2011. The group offers a dozen concerts with different themes, such as Tarantino Music Tribute dedicated to the works of the American director and Echoes of Westeros, dedicated to the series Game Of Thrones.

A diversity that appeals to spectators, these funny musicians already have 300 concerts and two albums. “We’re a bit of a rock band that thinks it’s an orchestra“, jokes Jessi Munoz, drummer.

Neko Light Orchestra, on tour throughout France.

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