Gaëlle Pietri, his ex-girlfriend, finally breaks the silence and pays him a heartbreaking tribute on Instagram

On January 19, French cinema lost a great actor. Indeed, while he was staying in the mountains with his family, Gaspard Ulliel lost his life at the age of 37 following a tragic skiing accident. Since then, the world of cinema, his fans, but also his family have continued to pay tribute to him in interviews or on social networks.

Raphaël’s companion, Mélanie Thierry, for example, a great friend of the actor, published a message filled with sadness shortly after the funeral of the deceased. “It was then the last meeting, we always found ourselves not far away, rue Montmartre, rue Bachaumont, rue Montorgueil, always one-on-one.she wrote nostalgic for this time that she will no longer be able to have, before adding: “and today, there were so many of us to celebrate you. Saint-Eustache is witness, you were so loved, and it’s dazzling and overwhelming to discover like your group of friends, straight out of a Sautet film, or from a Cassavetes movie cherished you. Your little boy was promised that they will always be there for him. Rest in peace Gaspard”.

But if a host of artists spoke, many members of Gaspard Ulliel’s family had not yet done so. In particular his ex-girlfriend, Gaëlle Pietri. She needed time before expressing herself as she confided in her very first message posted this Saturday, February 19, to honor the memory of her late half a month after her disappearance.

“Thank you for having respected our silence and these values ​​which have always characterized him: discretion and humility. Gaspard was a diver, sensitive to climate issues and concerned about the protection of underwater biodiversity, he would have liked the impulses aroused by his disappearance go to the defense of these causes that were close to his heart. We wanted to honor his memory by contributing to the association @fondationtaraocean”she wrote with great emotion.

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