Gaëlle Alméras’ super weekend of the ocean immerses us in the mysteries of the ocean

Understanding the ocean in a playful way

The weekend of the ocean, Gaëlle Alméras. George House

Go on a weekend adventure with Rat, Orni, Beaver and Echid! Together, you will discover and decipher the mysteries of the sea and the depths of the ocean!

How many species of sharks do you think there are?

Do you know Kathryn D. Sullivan?

Did you know that the deepest trench in the ocean goes down to more than 10,000 meters?

You can find out everything by reading the sweet and intelligent comic strip by Gaëlle Alméras!

In order to place the book as close as possible to scientific realities, the author-illustrator turned to an Ifremer researcher in marine ecology, specialist in the abyssal environment: Marjolaine Matabos.

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