Gaël Perdriau files a complaint against Eric Ciotti for public insults

The mayor of Saint-Étienne Gaël Perdriau, implicated in a case of intimate video blackmail and freshly excluded from the Republicans, announced this Thursday 13 on Facebook to file a complaint against his former party for “defamation” and against Éric Ciotti the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes for “public insults”.

“I am saddened to see Les Républicains renouncing the values ​​of justice, first and foremost the presumption of innocence,” he fumed, announcing that “these excesses“led him to file a complaint” against the Republicans and the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes Éric Ciotti for public insults.

My France: Energy savings

Generalized increase in the cost of living, risk of shortage of electricity or gas, extreme climatic phenomena: these crises upset our daily lives, transform our lifestyles, push us to draw the contours of new horizons. To meet these challenges, France Bleu and are launching a major citizen consultation around energy savings. Take a stand on these solutions & propose your own!

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