At 36, the Frenchman, who may be treading the ocher of the Porte d’Auteuil for the last time in his career, faces the Argentinian for a place in the second round on Tuesday.
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It is the interrogation of the French camp. Gaël Monfils, who has the honors of the Philippe Chatrier court and the “night session” at Roland-Garros on Tuesday May 30, is both this tennis player capable of surprising by pulling out of his hat yet another feat on a surface that he love so much, and an athlete regularly betrayed by his body.
At 36, for what could be his last Roland-Garros, the now 394th in the world, advances to the first round of the French Grand Slam with few benchmarks (a single victory in 2023 on abandonment and only eight games played). In what form does he arrive at the Porte d’Auteuil? Will he find the solutions against the Argentinian Sebastian Baez (44th in the world), whom he has never met, to invite himself to the second round? Follow this meeting.