Gad Elmaleh’s XXL gift? He opens the doors of “my mother’s castle” to his fans!

An incredible new gift from Gad Elmaleh for his mother? When we succeed in life, it is normal to give gifts to those who are dear to us. By sometimes breaking the piggy bank to offer an invaluable present. This is why, when we see Thomas Vergara offering an overpriced bag to his companion Nabilla, or even certain rappers offering houses to their parents, it may seem completely normal. So why would the comedian not allow himself to offer a castle to his mother?

Especially since he has come a long way. Indeed, if Gad Elmaleh has made millions of French people laugh, but also people around the world, for several years, he has nevertheless experienced a huge slump. And we are not referring here to the controversy concerning the plagiarism of some of his valves but rather alcohol. The comedian confessed about his addiction in The question box of Canal + on February 28.

Gad Elmaleh at Marcel Pagnol

“What we don’t know is that I was drinking a lot of alcohol a while ago and I stopped dead”he revealed at first before admitting: “So yes, it’s very nice to drink wine. It’s very nice to have a drink”. For the friend of Kev Adams, drinking alcohol is not trivial. If some need it to forget, others consume it to be able to “integrate into society”. So not to “get kicked out”he made the choice to raise his elbow a little too much: “It’s convivial. We are in society, your social life, aren’t you going to put it aside? Me, I was a little excessive. That’s something that people don’t know”.

But that story is behind him. Today, Gad Elmaleh enjoys his life without abusing alcohol and manages to make friends without drinking to maintain ties with them. He was also in Marseille this Friday, June 10 and took the opportunity to visit Redouane Bougheraba as proven by his Instagram story of the day. A story in which Gad Elmaleh filmed the comedian opening the doors of a sublime castle to him. This one being none other than the Château le Buzine which served as the setting for Marcel Pagnol’s film: my mother’s castle.

See also: Cured, Gad Elmaleh looks back on his experience


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