Gad Elmaleh: Unpublished revelations with his sister about his “crazy family”

Gad Elmaleh – father of two children, Noé (21), born of his relationship with Anne Brochet, and Raphaël (8), whom he had with Charlotte Casiraghi – revealed a heavy family secret with his sister Judith Thursday September 22 on the airwaves of RTL. The latter mentioned the publication of her first novel entitled A queento the editions Robert Laffontin which she tells a story inspired by that of their grandmother, who was forced to marry at 14: “We put a nice dress on her, she was taken to a party” told Judith Elmaleh. Her grandmother hadn’t realized then that she was going to marry… her uncle. She finally got pregnant with him a few months later without understanding him.

“At that age, at that time, in Morocco, we do not know his body, nor the body of a man, nor what was going on in the secrets of their room” explained the sister of the comedian, in order to make the listeners understand what his grandmother could feel at that time. His uncle already had a wife, but this first woman could not have children, it was the grandmother of Gad and Judith Elmaleh who had been chosen to take over.

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