Gad Elmaleh ready to undergo cosmetic surgery on his skull, this detail that challenges!

Good news for his French audience, Gad Elmaleh is back in France. And this, with a brand new show called “D’ailleurs”. In full promotion of his one-man-show, the comedian therefore connects the interviews. This Monday, February 28, 2022, the dad of Noé and Raphaël was thus the guest of The question box, on Canal +. Sitting on the famous white armchair, the ex of Charlotte Casiraghi then lent himself to the serious exercise of answering the wacky questions of the show. Without any taboo, Gad Elmaleh specified that he would approach all possible and imaginable themes on stage. The reason ? He feels he has matured I know the press doesn’t want to ask me the question, ‘Is this the show of coming of age?’ because they are afraid of being ridiculous, but I want this question. I turned fifty and it’s the show of maturity “, he said with humor.

Far from taking the comedian’s words lightly, The Question Box jumped at the chance to find out when was the last time he felt old. ” Exactly four seconds ago, because I did this “Launched Gad Elmaleh while touching the back of the skull. ” I noticed that there is a camera there [derrière sa tête, ndlr] and I thought, ‘This is the yarmulke plan, so the baldness plan.’ But I assume it “, he added. ” This is the implant plan “. So, does the comedian really accept losing his hair or is he ready to take the plunge and undergo cosmetic surgery? Mystery, mystery… It now remains to be seen whether the star addresses this subject in her new show. In any case, one thing is certain, it is that Gad Elmaleh crosses his fingers so that his French public appreciates the show.

See also: “Hit by a bus at a pedestrian crossing”, the comedian Gad Elmaleh at his worst after a terrible road accident…

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